Ultra Safe Medical

Ultra Safe Place

Become an Ultra Safe Place

Implement the security measures you need with our certificate.

The sanitary security guarantee.

Ultra Safe Place supports good practices and the correct implementation of risk prevention protocols derived from the COVID-19 pandemic in businesses, industry and services.

Reasons to get a certificate


You generate trust in your customers, key to the recovery and activation of the economy.


You provide security to the people and organizations that hire you by applying the best practices and recommendations against COVID-19.


It allows you to protect your clients, workers and the general public.


You show your commitment to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in your spaces.


You add value to contingency and business continuity processes, by preventing contagions in your workplace.


You guarantee that your organization complies with health security protocols developed based on guidelines from international institutions.

What do you get when you contract the Ultra Safe Place certification?

By contracting the Ultra Safe Place certification, our team of experts will guide you through a process in which you will obtain:

We have created mechanisms to help us develop strategies according to your needs and prevent infections in your workspace.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Phase 4

We help you to comply

We put at your disposal different services through our subsidiaries, which will provide you with what is necessary for your company to comply with the necessary guidelines to access its certification.

Any question?

Come to us and ask for our experts to follow up on your needs.

Learn about our certifications

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