Ultra Safe Medical


Slide Let us be your allies on rising your guests’ confidence levels. Ultra Safe Medical just arrived to Los Cabos!

We are in a continuous race in which the rules are rewritten again and again.

Get a full service

In owe of the actual sanitary crisis, we’ve built  mechanisms that help us develop strategies according to your needs, that will let you prevent infections in your workplace.


We develop protocols according to your needs to assure that your workplace has the best codes on sanitary security.


We disinfect at any scale, guaranteeing 99.9% effectiveness.


We produce audiovisual material that you can share on your company's social networks and digital media.


Our specialists will always be aware of you and your needs.

Get a free desinfection demo

Improve your health security protocols.

Improve your health security protocols.

Let guests be sure of their safety in your place.

We know that promoting safe tourism is essential to maintain the local economy, so we are here to help you take the next step in protecting your workers and customers.

The Ultra Safe Place certification endorses good practices and the correct implementation of risk prevention protocols by-product from the COVID-19 pandemic. It allows you to generate trust in your guests, key to the recovery and activation of the economy. 

Los Cabos, we’ve arrived to help you.
Get to know our services and let us be your allies at protecting your people.  

Request your free desinfection demo

Send an email and our specialists will contact you.

* Read more detales in terms and conditions.


    Our experts are ready to help you; click on the button and know more about our certification process.

    How does our certification work?

    By certifying your hosting, we assure that you comply with the appropriate codes to protect your workers and clients alike.

    • Evaluation
    • Evaluation report
    • Corrective measures implementation
    • Staff's training
    • Audiovisual material

    An evaluation will be carried out from scratch or, on the contrary, if protocols are already being implemented in the venue.

    Missing aspects, risk areas will be considered, based on national and international recommendations for accommodation and customer reception.

    According to the previous evaluation results, a proposal will be developed to correct those areas of opportunity in prevention of risk for contagion by COVID-19.

    If you don't follow up, you lose your chance to earn the Ultra Safe Place certification.

    According to the evaluation report, we will develop protocols that help you in the prevention of infections.

    We take care that they know our disinfection process in detail, by which we guarantee that you will provide an excellent service.

    Consists on the production of visual and audiovisual material by our in house marketing agency, which will be your support to show your clients, partners and collaborators that you are caring about their health. You will also get access to the use licence of our logo.

    Get in touch with our specialists

    Who certifies us?

    Schedule your certification

    and get a free desinfection demonstration

    Our clients

    We are here for you, contact our experts.

      Get in touch

      More certificates

      Take a look into more services.

      Terms and conditions:

      1. The machine that is included in the quote is a minifogg 2500, if you require a different model, contact the Ultra Steam sales team.

      2. The audiovisual material will be produced from the certification process of your hotel. The spaces to consider for photographic and videographic survey are:

        • Bedrooms
        • Reception
        • Restaurants
        • Kitchen
        • Gym


      3. For all hotels it will be necessary to schedule an appointment. The visit dates will be scheduled according to the requests received.

      4. Technical visits have a cost of $ 1, 00.00 m.n. which will be paid at full cost, so the remaining cost will be $ 14,000.00 m.n.

      5. If you require an invoice, please request it at the time of making the appointment.

      6. The physical certificate has an additional cost that must be covered by the client once they have met the essential requirements to obtain their certificate.

        • Printed in glass the cost is $ 1000.00 m.n.,
        • Printed on certified paper and framed, the cost is $ 300.00 m.n.

      7. Corrective measures are mandatory in order to obtain the certificate. The implementation of corrective measures has an extra cost. If you choose the service of our subsidiary, Ultra Safe Shop, we will offer you a discount on the products you choose.

      8. In order to start the certification process of your accommodation, it will be necessary to make the advance payment of the service, our sales team will share the data to make a transfer or deposit at the time of scheduling your evaluation.
