Ultra Safe Medical

For Home Owner Managers

Home Owner association program

Bring a higher level of service to your clients, with the “Ultra Safe Place” International Certification Program.

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Disinfection test


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      This health & safety certificate, allows you to protect your home-owners and the staff that works for them.

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      With tools such as: Periodic disinfection with European thermo-nebulization & electrostatic technology, Rapid Covid-19 tests, (COFEPRIS certified), and the implementation of effective Sanitary Protocols; we ensure that your space meet the highest standards of hygiene and prevention of contagions.

      This recognition not only will rise your standards, but will boost your rental income, especially with clients that still fear for Covid-19 exposure and are looking for a SAFE PLACE to stay.


      Sanitary Guard

      COVID Test


      !100 % Satisfaction guarantee!

      If for any reason you're not satisfied with your service we'll refund your money, no questions asked.

      Our certification process is comprehensive and includes both preventive baseline disinfection and decontamination protocols

      • Disinfection
      • Risk analysis
      • Personal protection material
      • Physical certificate
      • Fast COVID-19 detection test
      • Mulltimedia material

      Desinfección profesional certificada por Cofepriss

      Todos nuestros transportes e instalaciones se desinfectan con la tecnología danesa de Nettisimo, compañía especializada en el desarrollo y producción de equipo de desinfección profesional.


      Profesional disinfection certified by COFEPRIS.

      We evaluate your property to apply the relevant health security measures.

      Implementamos sistemas de vigilancia continua

      • Evaluación inicial de protocolos existentes.
      • Evaluación general de los insumos utilizados y su eficacia
      • Evaluación del cumplimiento de la legislación mexicana en la materia.
      • Evaluación general del staff, para medir el nivel de conocimiento y respuesta

      Delivery of physical certificate

      You can choose between the version to be placed on walls or walls, printed or in acrylic as an award.

      Group 2

      Contamos con equipos avanzados de protección.

      • Pruebas Rápidas Covid-19
      • Equipo electroestático de desinfección
      • Equipo de terminebulizacion en seco
      • Equipo de protección personal reglamentario de alta calidad

      Video production of the certification process.

      Our in-house marketing team will produce audiovisual material that will be useful to demonstrate the work carried out on the property.

      Professional disinfection certified by COFEPRIS
      We disinfect at any scale with a 99.9% guaranteed effectiveness.
      Accommodation risk analysis
      We evaluate your property to apply the relevant health security measures.
      Provider of personal protection material
      We manage the purchase of personal protective equipment.
      Delivery of physical certificate
      You can choose between the version to be placed on walls or walls, printed or in acrylic as an award.
      Fast Covid-19 detection test
      Our GP will apply a rapid test to each visitor once upon arrival and departure from the property.
      Video production of the certification process
      Our in-house marketing team will produce audiovisual material, useful to demonstrate the work carried out on the property.

      This is how we do it

      Below we detail the specialized process for the certification of accommodation:


      One of our technicians will visit you to perform the risk assessment in each of the houses that you manage.


      From the evaluation, we will create a report with which we can determine the needs of the accommodation.


      Once we have the report, we will notify you of the result so that you can decide the type of service you are interested in hiring.


      When selecting one of the certification packages, we will schedule the date of disinfection and delivery of protective equipment.


      You will receive an email with the appointment details.


      On the agreed day, our technician will appear at the indicated address to perform the corresponding disinfection and will deliver the requested material.

      How to certify the properties that I manage

      By certifying your property, we assure that you comply with the appropriate codes to protect your workers and clients alike.




      Any question?

      Come to us and ask for our experts to follow up on your needs.

      Learn about other certifications

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